Download TomTom GPS Maps USA Canada Map

>> Monday, August 16, 2010

TomTom GPS Maps USA Canada Map 850.2783

TomTom GPS Maps USA Canada Map 850.2783 | 840 MB

This is the TomTom GPS Map 850.2783 for the USA and Canada, which is part of 850.xxxx series of maps.
Credit for the maps goes to TomTom.
Credit for Albert's Easy Activator goes to Albert_S at
This map (850.2783) is compatible with all of the Navcores on the chart.
However, you must patch your .tts file on your device; you can use Albert's Easy Activator for this.


This map is frequently used on the TomTom One 3rd Edition, as it only has a 1GB internal capacity, with no option to put in an SD card (without some hacks, anyway).
the people there know much more than I could ever be able to answer.

Albert's Easy Activator works best in XP, so if you're using Windows 7, get Microsoft Virtual PC or some sort of VM Software.

Once again use resources like Google, and GPSUnderground.

Good Luck, and Enjoy!!!


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